STP is now accepting nominations (including self-nominations) for this new Council. Nominees must be members of STP, within 7 years of having completed their doctoral degrees, and willing to commit to a three-year term to work with the VP for RRR to promote the interests of early career professionals. Nominations should include a CV, the name of two references who agree to be contacted, and a one-page statement of interest in the position. Please reply by February 14th to Regan A. R. Gurung or Diane Finley.
The Early Career Professionals (ECP) Council is comprised of four members who are engaged in establishing their professional careers. The Vice President of Recruitment, Retention, and Public Relations will serve as ex-officio member. The Council is charged with spearheading activities and opportunities to aid Early Career Professionals through education, training and networking, and as well as representing ECP interests in division matters. Possible projects might include a workshop for the APA/STP program or maybe for the STP hospitality suite or building a web link for early career professionals on the STP homepage.
Chair and Members
This Council is comprised of a Chair and members, all of whom are within 7 years of having completed their doctoral degrees. The Council Chair oversees the activities of the Council and will be appointed by the VP and STP-Executive Council. Each Council member, including the Chair, will serve a three-year term. Terms will be staggered.
Activities, Responsibilities, Policies, and Procedures.
The ECP Council works to promote the contributions and concerns of Early Career Professionals in Division matters. This is accomplished through two avenues. First, members of the ECP Council are assigned to Division Councils or Committees of particular interest to the ECP membership. Committee assignments are based on representation, need, relevance to ECP issues, and the respective member's interests. Second, the ECP Council will promote training and professional development through organization and implementation of focused programs at the Annual Meeting and other endeavors consistent with these goals.
Responsibilities of specific ECP Council members include the following:
Early Career Professionals Council Chair. Maintain contact with and coordinate activities of the ECP Council members; prepare and submit two reports each year to the VP for RRR (prior to mid-winter and APA convention Board meetings).
Liaison to APA Early Career Professionals Network. Report to the Division leadership about activities and needs.
The Council will have a budget of $1000.00 to support incidental expenses related to any initiatives the committee comes up with or to facilitate council meetings (conference calls, meetings).