This first update of 2013 includes additions to the Research Methods in the Classroom, Correlations, Ethics in the Classroom, I/O in the Classroom, Introductory Psychology in the Classroom, and Movie List.
New ToPIX Content
Sue Frantz posted a link to FreeIAT, an open-source program to create implicit association tests, to the Research Methods in the Classroom page. (Great find, Sue!) Also included on this page is a link to Alexis Grosofsky’s Instructor's Guide to Using Research Methods and Statistics Concept Maps from the Office of Teaching Resources in Psychology (OTRP)'s Teaching Resources.
A link to Jon Mueller’s Correlation or Causation? web page was posted to the ToPIX Correlations page. If you have yet to visit the page, it includes a vast collection of headlines that (incorrectly) suggest causal relationships. (Thanks to Jon for the reminder on the TIPS listserv!)
On the Ethics in the Classroom page you will now find a link to Ana Ruiz and Judith Warchal’s Activities Guide for Teaching Ethics in the Intro course from the Office of Teaching Resources in Psychology (OTRP)'s Teaching Resources.
Check out the I/O in the Classroom page for a set of Materials for Incorporating I/O into an Introductory Psychology course from the Office of Teaching Resources in Psychology (OTRP). The SIOP Education and Training committee developed ten modules with starter lectures, active learning exercises, and further reading. This resource makes it easy to expose Intro students to I/O concepts.
If you are teaching at an institution with a research pool, it is definitely worth checking out the Introductory Psychology in the Classroom page. Larissa Barber and Patricia Bagsby’s OTRP resource Beyond Milgram: Expanding Research Ethics Education to Participant Responsibilities was posted.
And last-- but definitely not least-- Nicole Bies-Hernandez added to the Movie List. (A big thanks to Nicole for her work on this!)
If you have any resources to share with your colleagues, please send them my way: