Thursday, November 28, 2013

New ToPIX Content: 11/28/13

This update includes additions to the I/O Psychology in the News, Neuroscience Video, Development Video, Therapy Video, and Gender & Sexuality pages.

Jessica Hartnett posted links to the news story on the Miami Dolphins' Richie Incognito and his harassment of fellow player Jonathan Martin. Coverage of the story touches on workplace harassment and culture. Read more on the I/O Psychology in the News page.

Check out the Neuroscience Video page for a podcast on H.M.'s Brain and the History of Memory (courtesy of Erica Kleinknecht O'Shea via the STP Facebook Group 11/25/13), and video “How Memory Works” (courtesy of Alicia Briganti Causey via the STP Facebook Group 11/25/13). 

If you are teaching Developmental Psychology, see the Development Video page for Howard Gardner’s talk, “The App Generation: Identity, Intimacy, and Imagination in the Digital Era” (Courtesy of Rena Blackwood via the STP Facebook Group 11/20/13).

See the Therapy Video page for a TED Talk on the nature of abnormality, "Strange answers to the psychopath test" (Courtesy of KitKat Harper via the STP Facebook Group 10/31/13). 

Roger Bingham’s video “The Sexual Brain” was posted to the Gender & Sexuality Video page (Courtesy of Ami Rezec Wegenek via the STP Facebook Group 10/23/13). 

Thanks again to Jessica, Erica, Alicia, Rena, KitKat, and Ami for their contributions to ToPIX!

If you have found that ToPIX has helped your teaching, please consider contributing! You are welcome to update the wiki yourself or just send me an email with suggestions: (