Friday, January 31, 2014

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

New ToPIX Content: 1/9/2014

This update includes additions to the Grading Rubrics, Therapy Video, and Statistics in the Classroom pages.

Joanne Zinger graciously made a peer evaluation form she has used for student presentations available via the PSYCHTEACHER listserv (12/23/13). See the Grading Rubrics page for this form, as well as the original article from which it was adapted (i.e., Mitchell & Bakewell, 1995).

Kate Wolfe provided a link to a PBS Newshour video “What DSM-5 Means for Diagnosing Mental Health Patients.” This short video and nearly 40 other videos from’s video series could be useful for Introductory Psychology and Abnormal Psychology (via the STP Facebook Group, 1/7/14) Therapy Video page.

Leigh Harrell Williams shared The Journal of Statistics Education and statistics resources (via the STP Facebook Group, 1/8/14). Check out the Statistics in the Classroom page for a treasure trove of activities, stories, and data sets.

Thanks again to Joanne, Kate, and Leigh for their contributions to ToPIX!

If you have found that ToPIX has helped your teaching, please consider contributing! You are welcome to update the wiki yourself or just send me an email with suggestions: (