Thursday, July 19, 2012

New ToPIX Content: 7/19/12

New ToPIX Content: 7/19/12

This week we had updates to the Memory in the Classroom page, to a few of the "In the News" pages, the Films page, and the Song List.

New ToPIX Content

Sue Frantz posted a link to the Deese-Roediger-McDermott (DRM) paradigm memory lists on the Memory in the Classroom page. Thanks Sue for all you do!

A hat tip goes to Brian Kurilla (via Twitter) for a Chronicle column on the Reproducibility Project. This is posted on the Research Methods in the News page.

Some of you may have noticed the buzz earlier in the week about gender and intelligence (i.e., "It's official. Women are smarter than men."). A newspaper article and CNN video have been posted to the Intelligence in the News page. Thanks Christopher Green and Mike Williams (via TIPS)!

Another topic that is sure to spark student interest is age detection by smell. See the Sensation in the News page for more on that. Thanks Mike Palij, by way of TIPS!

A recent article on the inaccurate depictions of schizophrenia in movies was posted to the Films-Fiction page.

And last but not least-- Suzi Shapiro and Maya Aloni sent along some more songs for our growing Song List page. Thanks to Suzi and Maya we now have a classic Pinky and the Brain song and cartoon, and some Gaga...among other artists.

Are we missing anything in ToPIX? Send your suggestions to

Thursday, July 12, 2012

New ToPIX Content: 7/12/12

This week we had updates to the First Day Activities and Neuroscience in the News pages, and a new Ethics in the News page.

New ToPIX Content

Contributions by Patricia Giero and Julie Carpenter (via the STP Facebook Group) helped round out a growing First Day Activities page. These icebreaker activities involve person perception and first impressions. Also, the handout to Patricia's "Can Science Answer This Question?" activity was uploaded to ToPIX and is available here.

A column on the recent mapping of Phineas Gage's brain was added to the Neuroscience in the News page (Thanks Jean Sumner!). 

A new Ethics in the News page was added in light of the retractions in psychology journals last month. The page also includes links to the archives of Retraction Watch. These blog posts and articles can supplement discussions of research ethics. Topics include self-plagiarism, faked data, and non-reproducible results. 

As always—if you have found ToPIX useful, please consider contributing! You are welcome to update the wiki yourself or drop me an email at

Thursday, July 5, 2012

New ToPIX Content: 7/5/12

This week four new pages were posted to ToPIX: Ethics, First Day Activities, Student & Instructor-Created Songs, and Student-Created Songs: The Why & The How.

New ToPIX Content 

A tip of the hat goes to Mitch Handelsman and members of the PsychTeacher listserv for their blog posts and contributions. I have compiled some of this information to create a new Ethics page within the In the Classroom section of ToPIX.

Since the Fall semester is quickly approaching for some of us, a page entitled First Day Activities can now be found above Last Day Activities.

Gerald Palmer reminded me of the many student (and instructor) - created songs out there.  While I have never developed a song/video assignment myself, I have seen the hundreds of AP Psychology songs on YouTube and included some in my lessons. A few videos were posted to the Student &Instructor-Created Songs page. 

If you have had students create course-related songs and would like to share your assignment instructions, rubrics, and the like—please submit to the Student-Created Songs: The Why & The How page or email them to me at