Thursday, September 6, 2012

New ToPIX Content: 9/6/12

This week we had an update to the Memory Video page.

New ToPIX Content

Stephen Chew’s How to Get the Most out of Studying videos have “gone viral” on YouTube with over 184,000 views for the first video of the series.

Stephen was so kind to make his Think-Pair-Share questions for each study video available to all on ToPIX. If you are familiar with the video series already, you might want to go straight to the questions here on ToPIX. 

If you would like to check out the video series first, please visit the Memory video page here. Find out more about the development of the videos here.

Thanks Stephen!

As always—if you have found ToPIX useful, please consider contributing!  You are welcome to update the wiki yourself or simply shoot me an email: ( Thanks to all those who contributed over the summer.


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