Thursday, October 4, 2012

New ToPIX Content: 10/4/12

This update includes additions to the Movie List, Games in the Classroom, Taste Demos, Memory Video, Social Video, Research Methods in the Classroom, and a new page—Gender and Sexuality in the Classroom.

New ToPIX Content

Nicole Bies-Hernandez added three new movies to the Movie List page: Limitless, Fly Away, and The Final Cut. 

Sue Frantz provided another web-based Jeopardy game creator on the Games in the Classroom page, and posted an activity to investigate sour taste preferences, and a taste buds demonstration to the Taste Demos page.

Stephen Chew passed along an updated Think-Pair-Share (TPS) file and it was uploaded to the Memory Video page. Ruth Frickle also submitted her TPS matching items for Stephen’s third video.

Debbie Podwika had mentioned the AT&T U-Verse commercials and how they can demonstrate Social concepts. Two videos were posted to the Social Video page

Rachel Soicher posted links to four short videos she created with Jing. These include simple, systematic, stratified probability sampling, and cluster sampling and are available on the Research Methods in the Classroom page. If you find these useful, please provide Rachel feedback. Rachel also added a new page to ToPIX: the Gender and Sexuality in the Classroom page and posted a research analysis assignment she uses in her Human Sexuality course.

A big thanks to Nicole, Sue, Stephen, Ruth, Rachel, and Debbie for this installment of ToPIX updates!

1 comment:

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