Thursday, December 26, 2013

New for 2014: The ToPIX SOAR Library

Posted on behalf of Carrie Lloyd, ToPIX Assistant Editor

ToPIX SOAR Library (Student Online Academic Research Library)
New to ToPIX is the SOAR Library (Student Online Academic Research Library) -- a page where college students can post their own empirical research studies. 

I have taught undergraduate research classes for several years and am now teaching a graduate-level research course, and although students get experience conducting their own studies with our student population, it obviously limits them by only having access to one 'type' of participant. Most instructors are, undoubtedly, in this same dilemma. Even with extremely well-conducted research and written products, our students are limited in their chance to get published. My hope is that with this tool, students will be able to increase their ‘N’, and have access to a more representative sample. With this more representative sample, their conclusions will be more generalizable, and thus can increase their chances of getting their work published. On this ToPIX page, students can solicit others to be subjects in their own primary studies.

We also hope that instructors will help promote this site by referring their students to this page as participants. Instructors can give extra credit for participation in addition to requiring students to post their study. Either way, this is a great experience for all the students involved. (What student doesn’t need more research experience??)

Please see the new ToPIX page for more details and instructions on how to get your students’ research posted. SOAR inclusion criteria can be found here.

Thank you!

~Dr. Carrie A. Lloyd

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