Thursday, June 28, 2012

New ToPIX Content: 6/28/12

This week we had updates to the Learning in the News and Research Methods in the Classroom pages. The Song List continues to expand thanks to the efforts of contributors. A new ToPIX Assistant Editor was named.

New ToPIX Content

An article from the June issue of The Atlantic was posted to the Learning in the News page. The piece covers applications of Skinner's behavior modification techniques to weight loss, shopping and other "temptations." Also included was mention of smartphone apps that utilize theories of learning. A Q&A with the author was also posted. (Thanks to Kay Banister Schaffer via the AP Psychology Listserv!) 

Yesterday Mitch Handelsman posted a list of Research Methods resources culled from the PSYCHTEACHER listserv. This compilation was posted to the Research Methods in the Classroom page. (Thanks Mitch et al.!)

Jeff Bartel sent along his song list and I am in the process of adding his suggestions to the ToPIX Song List. If you have suggestions for the list, please do not hesitate to send them to

Please join me in welcoming Nicole Bies-Hernandez to ToPIX. Nicole will be serving as an Assistant Editor responsible for a new section in ToPIX. She will tell you a bit more about that in the next couple weeks. All I can say now is that if you like the Song List, you’ll love this resource.

As always—if you have found ToPIX useful, please consider contributing!  You are welcome to update the wiki yourself or drop me an email. Also, if you might be interested in serving as a ToPIX Assistant Editor, please contact me for more details (

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