Thursday, November 29, 2012

New ToPIX Content: 11/29/12

This update includes additions to the Sensation Video, Developmental Video, and Intelligence Video pages.

New ToPIX Content

Sue Frantz posted two videos on the ear and hearing to the Sensation Video page, a video on identical twins on the Development Video page, and an excerpt of PBS's "How Smart Can We Get?" Intelligence Video page. A link to the entire episode can also be accessed online. Parts of the episode could serve as a good lecture launcher for those teaching Intro, Cognitive, or Neuroscience.

A big thanks to Sue for this round of ToPIX updates! 

As we get close to the end of the Fall term, please consider sharing any videos, songs, demonstrations, or activities for your colleagues to try in the Spring! Feel free to update the wiki yourself or email

Friday, October 26, 2012

New ToPIX Content: 10/25/12

This update includes additions to the Movie List and the Social in the Classroom page.

New ToPIX Content
Nicole Bies-Hernandez added movies related to Ethics, Statistics, and Social Psychology to the Movie List page.

Sue Frantz shared a smartphone game, Social Knowledge, that could be used in a number of ways within the classroom or outside of class. More information on this game is available on the Social in the Classroom page.

Thanks Nicole and Sue!

If you have found ToPIX useful, please consider contributing your suggestions for content!  You are welcome to update the wiki yourself or simply shoot me an email: ( 

Thursday, October 4, 2012

New ToPIX Content: 10/4/12

This update includes additions to the Movie List, Games in the Classroom, Taste Demos, Memory Video, Social Video, Research Methods in the Classroom, and a new page—Gender and Sexuality in the Classroom.

New ToPIX Content

Nicole Bies-Hernandez added three new movies to the Movie List page: Limitless, Fly Away, and The Final Cut. 

Sue Frantz provided another web-based Jeopardy game creator on the Games in the Classroom page, and posted an activity to investigate sour taste preferences, and a taste buds demonstration to the Taste Demos page.

Stephen Chew passed along an updated Think-Pair-Share (TPS) file and it was uploaded to the Memory Video page. Ruth Frickle also submitted her TPS matching items for Stephen’s third video.

Debbie Podwika had mentioned the AT&T U-Verse commercials and how they can demonstrate Social concepts. Two videos were posted to the Social Video page

Rachel Soicher posted links to four short videos she created with Jing. These include simple, systematic, stratified probability sampling, and cluster sampling and are available on the Research Methods in the Classroom page. If you find these useful, please provide Rachel feedback. Rachel also added a new page to ToPIX: the Gender and Sexuality in the Classroom page and posted a research analysis assignment she uses in her Human Sexuality course.

A big thanks to Nicole, Sue, Stephen, Ruth, Rachel, and Debbie for this installment of ToPIX updates!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

New ToPIX Content: 9/20/12

This week we had a new page added to the In the Classroom section. 

New ToPIX Content

Stephen Wurst emailed a content suggestion, and I was excited to add a new page on ToPIX to accommodate future updates. What's more-- Stephen has made a number of his Psych Jeopardy games available to instructors. Check them out here on the Games in the Classroom page. If you find yourself inspired to create your own Flash-based Jeopardy boards for class, a link to do so is also included.  

Thanks Stephen!

ToPIX continues to grow thanks to our recent contributors. You are welcome to update the wiki yourself or simply shoot me an email and I will post for you: ( 

Thursday, September 13, 2012

New ToPIX Content: 9/13/12

This week we had an update to the Student and Instructor-Created Songs page.

New ToPIX Content
One of the newer pages to ToPIX is the Student and Instructor-Created Songs page. It serves as a nice complement to the Song List and covers a variety of domains within psychology. At present, the page includes songs about the history of psychology, neuroscience, learning, memory, social psychology, psychological disorders, and therapy.

Jason Prenoveau sent along a two-part video of his students performing their rendition of research methods & statistics concepts over Matchbox 20's 1996 song "3 a.m." 

Thanks Jason!

We are always on the lookout for more Student and Instructor-Created Songs as well as other helpful resources to share on ToPIX. You are welcome to update the wiki yourself or simply shoot me an email and I will post for you: ( 

Thursday, September 6, 2012

New ToPIX Content: 9/6/12

This week we had an update to the Memory Video page.

New ToPIX Content

Stephen Chew’s How to Get the Most out of Studying videos have “gone viral” on YouTube with over 184,000 views for the first video of the series.

Stephen was so kind to make his Think-Pair-Share questions for each study video available to all on ToPIX. If you are familiar with the video series already, you might want to go straight to the questions here on ToPIX. 

If you would like to check out the video series first, please visit the Memory video page here. Find out more about the development of the videos here.

Thanks Stephen!

As always—if you have found ToPIX useful, please consider contributing!  You are welcome to update the wiki yourself or simply shoot me an email: ( Thanks to all those who contributed over the summer.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

New ToPIX Content: 8/30/12

We hope your Fall term is off to a good start!

This week we had updates to a couple of the “In the News” pages, as well as Perception in the Classroom. A video was posted to the Gender and Sexuality Videos page. Songs continue to be posted to the ToPIX Songs List.

New ToPIX Content

The ToPIX song list continues to grow, and thanks to Julie Carpenter, the list is beginning to represent more genres. Thanks for sending along the songs for the Development and Health sections, Julie!

An excerpt of a TED Talk by Phil Zimbardo (“The Demise of Guys”) was posted to the Gender and Sexuality Videos page

A change blindness demo published in the New York Times a couple weeks ago was posted to the Perception in the Classroom page.

A short Bloomberg Business video describing the general findings of the “lipstick effect” study (Hill and colleagues, 2012, JPSP) was posted with a discussion question on the Social in the News page

A segment on animal phobia and exposure therapy (ABC News) was posted to the Therapy in the News page. 

If you have any new resources that students would enjoy, please post them to ToPIX directly or feel free to email them to

Thursday, August 2, 2012

New ToPIX Content: 8/2/12

This week we had updates to a number of Development, Educational Psychology, and Social pages. A link was posted on the APA Style Videos page. In addition, more information is available on the new ToPIX Movie List.

New ToPIX Content

With summer ending and the semester beginning in the next couple weeks, a topic relevant to many students -- whether to break up before college—can be used to start a discussion in Social. Visit Social in theClassroom for more ideas.

A big thanks goes to ToPIX Assistant Editor, Kerri Riggs. She posted a flurry of links to the Development in the News page, Development in the Classroom page, Development Video page, Educational Psychology in the Classroom page, Social in the News page, and APA Style Videos page

ToPIX Assistant Editor, Nicole Bies-Hernandez, has been adding to the ToPIX MovieList. For more on the Call for Movies see this postThanks Nicole! This will be a great addition to ToPIX, and quite fun.

ToPIX is completely dependent on you to build it.  In the spirit of reciprocity, we ask that if you take something, please leave something. Consider posting to ToPIX directly or email any resources to

ToPIX Call for Movies

Posted on behalf of Nicole Bies-Hernandez, ToPIX Assistant Editor

ToPIX Call for Movies

The practice of incorporating films that portray psychological concepts into the classroom and/or course assignments can be not only an engaging activity for students but can also complement course content, and enhance critical thinking/analysis and writing skills (Boyatzis, 1994; Green, 2003; Hemenover, Caster, & Mizumoto, 1999). While the use of films in psychology courses is not a new practice (e.g., Anderson, 1992; Fleming, Piedmont, & Hiam, 1990; Robinson, Lee, & Maas, 1976), more recently it has been shown that incorporating films into the classroom not only provide the previously mentioned benefits but can also be effectively used to dispel myths related to psychology (e.g., myths about schizophrenia; Owen, 2007) and to teach about psychological concepts (e.g., teaching about the persuasion; Simpson, 2008). With the demonstrated utility of using films to illustrate psychological concepts, some great online resources such as the PsychMovies website have emerged with movies lists that could be helpful for instructors interested in incorporating films into their courses.

Are you using movies in the classroom, as part of course assignments or teaching a psychology and film course? If so, please consider sharing with ToPIX. Please e-mail your favorite movies for demonstrating a variety of psychological topics along with the concept(s) illustrated in the movie to with the subject: "ToPIX Movie List". Additionally, any comments on how you have used the movies (or could use them) in the classroom would be helpful. All movies are welcomed, but we are particularly looking for newer movies (i.e., movies from the past 5 years) and movies related to the psychological concepts we are lacking movies for (i.e., careers, history, neuroscience, motivation, emotion, health, statistics, therapy, human factors, educational psychology, and comparative psychology) to fill in the gaps of our working list. The goal is to have an updated and comprehensive movie list by the end of September and continue regular updates to the wiki throughout Fall 2012.

The work in progress can be found here. We hope you will join us in the fun of creating this movie list!


Anderson, D. D. (1992). Using feature films as tools for analysis in a psychology and law course. Teaching of Psychology, 19(3), 155-158.

Boyatzis, C. J. (1994). Using feature films to teach social development. Teaching of Psychology, 21(4), 99-101.

Fleming, M. Z., Piedmont, R. L., & Hiam, C. M. (1990). Images of madness: Feature films in teaching psychology. Teaching of Psychology, 17(3), 185-187.

Green, R. J. (2003). Teaching psychology through film, video. APS Observer, 16(7), 23-25, 28. 

Hemenover, S. H., Caster, J. B., & Mizumoto, A. (1999). Combining the use of progressive writing techniques and popular movies in introductory psychology. Teaching of Psychology, 26(3), 196-198.

Owen, P. (2007). Dispelling myths about schizophrenia using film. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 37(1), 60-75.

Robinson, M. A., Lee, K. A., & Maas, J. B. (1976). A set of films which demand discussion. Teaching of Psychology, 3(2), 92-93.

Simpson, K. E. (2008). Classic and modern propaganda in documentary film: Teaching the psychology of persuasion. Teaching of Psychology, 35(2), 103-108.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

New ToPIX Content: 7/19/12

New ToPIX Content: 7/19/12

This week we had updates to the Memory in the Classroom page, to a few of the "In the News" pages, the Films page, and the Song List.

New ToPIX Content

Sue Frantz posted a link to the Deese-Roediger-McDermott (DRM) paradigm memory lists on the Memory in the Classroom page. Thanks Sue for all you do!

A hat tip goes to Brian Kurilla (via Twitter) for a Chronicle column on the Reproducibility Project. This is posted on the Research Methods in the News page.

Some of you may have noticed the buzz earlier in the week about gender and intelligence (i.e., "It's official. Women are smarter than men."). A newspaper article and CNN video have been posted to the Intelligence in the News page. Thanks Christopher Green and Mike Williams (via TIPS)!

Another topic that is sure to spark student interest is age detection by smell. See the Sensation in the News page for more on that. Thanks Mike Palij, by way of TIPS!

A recent article on the inaccurate depictions of schizophrenia in movies was posted to the Films-Fiction page.

And last but not least-- Suzi Shapiro and Maya Aloni sent along some more songs for our growing Song List page. Thanks to Suzi and Maya we now have a classic Pinky and the Brain song and cartoon, and some Gaga...among other artists.

Are we missing anything in ToPIX? Send your suggestions to

Thursday, July 12, 2012

New ToPIX Content: 7/12/12

This week we had updates to the First Day Activities and Neuroscience in the News pages, and a new Ethics in the News page.

New ToPIX Content

Contributions by Patricia Giero and Julie Carpenter (via the STP Facebook Group) helped round out a growing First Day Activities page. These icebreaker activities involve person perception and first impressions. Also, the handout to Patricia's "Can Science Answer This Question?" activity was uploaded to ToPIX and is available here.

A column on the recent mapping of Phineas Gage's brain was added to the Neuroscience in the News page (Thanks Jean Sumner!). 

A new Ethics in the News page was added in light of the retractions in psychology journals last month. The page also includes links to the archives of Retraction Watch. These blog posts and articles can supplement discussions of research ethics. Topics include self-plagiarism, faked data, and non-reproducible results. 

As always—if you have found ToPIX useful, please consider contributing! You are welcome to update the wiki yourself or drop me an email at

Thursday, July 5, 2012

New ToPIX Content: 7/5/12

This week four new pages were posted to ToPIX: Ethics, First Day Activities, Student & Instructor-Created Songs, and Student-Created Songs: The Why & The How.

New ToPIX Content 

A tip of the hat goes to Mitch Handelsman and members of the PsychTeacher listserv for their blog posts and contributions. I have compiled some of this information to create a new Ethics page within the In the Classroom section of ToPIX.

Since the Fall semester is quickly approaching for some of us, a page entitled First Day Activities can now be found above Last Day Activities.

Gerald Palmer reminded me of the many student (and instructor) - created songs out there.  While I have never developed a song/video assignment myself, I have seen the hundreds of AP Psychology songs on YouTube and included some in my lessons. A few videos were posted to the Student &Instructor-Created Songs page. 

If you have had students create course-related songs and would like to share your assignment instructions, rubrics, and the like—please submit to the Student-Created Songs: The Why & The How page or email them to me at

Thursday, June 28, 2012

New ToPIX Content: 6/28/12

This week we had updates to the Learning in the News and Research Methods in the Classroom pages. The Song List continues to expand thanks to the efforts of contributors. A new ToPIX Assistant Editor was named.

New ToPIX Content

An article from the June issue of The Atlantic was posted to the Learning in the News page. The piece covers applications of Skinner's behavior modification techniques to weight loss, shopping and other "temptations." Also included was mention of smartphone apps that utilize theories of learning. A Q&A with the author was also posted. (Thanks to Kay Banister Schaffer via the AP Psychology Listserv!) 

Yesterday Mitch Handelsman posted a list of Research Methods resources culled from the PSYCHTEACHER listserv. This compilation was posted to the Research Methods in the Classroom page. (Thanks Mitch et al.!)

Jeff Bartel sent along his song list and I am in the process of adding his suggestions to the ToPIX Song List. If you have suggestions for the list, please do not hesitate to send them to

Please join me in welcoming Nicole Bies-Hernandez to ToPIX. Nicole will be serving as an Assistant Editor responsible for a new section in ToPIX. She will tell you a bit more about that in the next couple weeks. All I can say now is that if you like the Song List, you’ll love this resource.

As always—if you have found ToPIX useful, please consider contributing!  You are welcome to update the wiki yourself or drop me an email. Also, if you might be interested in serving as a ToPIX Assistant Editor, please contact me for more details (

Thursday, June 21, 2012

New ToPIX Content: 6/21/12

This week we had an update to the Pedagogy section, some more on the “The Why and The How of Songs in the Classroom”, and some updates to the ToPIX Song List.

New ToPIX Content

A number of new (and classic!) songs and concepts were added to the Song list courtesy of Jeff Henriques and Steve Jones. Thanks to both of you! Use your internet browser’s “Find Text” function to search the song list by unit, concept, artist, song title, or year. Or, simply scroll through the growing list. Please e-mail any other suggestions (or songs) for the ToPIX Song List to

Some of the challenges to using songs in the classroom (and ways to overcome them) are now included on the page Songs in the classroom: The why and the how

Jeff Henriques contributed to the Pedagogy section by adding some Ways to Use Scoring Rubrics for Student Work and Program Assessment. Thanks Jeff!

As always—if you have found ToPIX useful, please consider contributing! You are welcome to update the wiki yourself or drop me an email at

Thursday, June 14, 2012

New ToPIX Content: 6/14/12

Here is your latest installment of #ToPIXThursdays. This week we have two news items, an activity, and some updates to the ToPIX Song List.

A number of new (and classic!) songs and concepts were added to the Song list thanks to Assistant ToPIX Editor Juliana Breines, Dianne DeSousa, Fabiana DesRosiers, Carol Furchner, Jeff Henriques, and John Lewis. Tamara Spiewak Toub suggested that we include the year the song came out, and the list has been updated in light of that suggestion.

Please e-mail any other suggestions (or songs) to

New ToPIX Content

Song list Use your internet browser’s “Find Text” function to search the list by unit, concept, artist, song title, or year.

Video of the “You’re Not Special” commencement speech, CBS News coverage, and a developmental psychologist’s response in Psychology Today was posted to the Development in the News page (along with questions for discussion).

A link to a NY Times article on parking and congestion relief incentives at Stanford University was posted to the Learning in the News page (along with questions for discussion).

A new small group activity--involving a shower cap and labeling neural structures-- was posted to the Neuroscience in the Classroom page. (Thanks Sue Frantz!)

Monday, June 11, 2012

SAGE Teaching Innovations & Professional Development Award

This award is designed to defray costs for graduate students and early career faculty (within seven (7) years post-doctorate or within seven (7) years of beginning full-time college teaching, whichever comes first) who wish to attend the Division 2 programming at the meeting of the American Psychological Association. One graduate student and one untenured faculty member will each receive a $1250 travel grant. To be eligible for funding, applicants must be a member of the Society for the Teaching of Psychology (STP).

We are currently accepting applications for the Sage Travel Award. Completed applications should be sent to Lori Rosenthal at along with a current CV. Review of applications will begin June 10, 2012 and will continue until the award has been made.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

New ToPIX Content: 6/7/2012

I wanted to kick off the first #ToPIXThursdays with something fun for the summer, and I hope extremely useful for those of us who use music in the classroom.

It is my goal to have a working list of songs and concepts ready for everyone in time for the Fall semester (by the end of July). Right now I am piecing together lists sent from colleagues, and pasted from listservs. So, I think we will have a pretty solid list going. However, I see we will be a bit thin from 2007 to present.

If you have any songs that you like to use in the classroom (2007 or newer), please send them to

Also, if you are a music lover and would like to join this summer effort, please drop me a line!

New ToPIX Content

Song list

Songs in the Classroom: The Why and The How
(If anyone has any additional suggestions please add them, or email them to me)

...and I reposted an abbreviated "Call for Songs" here.

Also, an ABC News article about Project X parties was posted to the Social in the News page (along with questions for discussion).

ToPIX Call for Songs

The practice of using music to illustrate psychological concepts is not new (see ToP articles: Hughes, 1984; Leck, 2006; Potkay, 1982).  Recent work suggests that the practice is still alive and well in classrooms. Marin (2012) has asked her students to role play as American Idol contestants, choose a song related to a psychological concept, and provide the rationale for their decision.

It seems that a request for songs related to a particular chapter/unit hits listservs every few years. When general calls are made, impressive lists have resulted (see Ann Weber’s SPSP list here; see Rick Froman’s list from the PsychTeacher archives: subject “Compilation of songs used in psych classes).

In the meantime, music fans may have sought out an online compendium (e.g., Intro Psych Resources), or a great site like The Songs of Psychology. Detailed postings on The Songs of Psychology site illustrate specifically how a song or particular lyrics relate to a psychological concept. Recent blog posts (“Psychology Songs” from Psych Your Mind) could also be helpful for instructors who seek to update their song lists with more current music.

Are you using music in the classroom? If so, please consider sharing with ToPIX.

Please email your favorite songs along with the concept illustrated to with subject: “TOPIX Song List.” Also, any comments on how you have used songs (or could use them) in the classroom would be helpful. All songs are welcomed, but we are particularly looking for recent songs (2007- present) to fill in the gaps of our working list.

The goal is to have an updated song list by the end of July and continue regular updates to the wiki throughout Fall 2012.

The work in progress can be found here. We hope you will join us in the fun this summer!


Hughes, R.L. (1984). Teaching concepts of personal adjustment using popular music. Teaching of Psychology, 11 (2), 115.

Leck, K. (2006). Teaching personality theories using popular music. Teaching of Psychology, 33 (1), 34-36.

Marin, A. J. (2012). Micro-activities in the classroom: When good teaching comes in small packages. In J. Holmes, S.C. Baker, & J. R. Stowell (Eds.), Essays from e-xcellence in teaching (Vol. 11, pp. 3-7). Retrieved from the Society for the Teaching of Psychology Web site:

Potkay, C.R. (1982). Teaching abnormal psychology concepts using popular song lyrics. Teaching of Psychology, 9 (4), 233-234.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Deadline approaching: STP is looking for a new e-book editor

STP is looking for a new e-book editor.

The Society for the Teaching of Psychology publishes a number of e-books in PDF format. These e-books include essays from exemplary psychology teachers, resources on graduate student training and undergraduate research, and more. Nine single-volume e-books have been published to date.

 The e-books editor works with ten Associate Editors in staggered terms to assist with editing the Society’s e-books.  


·         Manage the specific activities of Society’s e-book program, including the solicitation, development, editing, reviewing, final acceptance, and publication of new e-book projects (ongoing).
·         Oversee, in conjunction with the Internet Editor, the maintenance of the published e-books on the Society’s Web site (ongoing).
·         Receive communications and participate in deliberations on the STP EC (TOPEC) electronic discussion list (ongoing).
·         Annual report to VP for Resources (May).
·         Annual budget to VP for Resources (November).

The term for the current editor, Bill Buskist, is up at the end of the 2013 calendar year. 

The new editor would assume responsibility January 1st, 2014 to serve a 3-year term, however we would like to identify the new editor early so that person can work with the out-going editor for all of 2013.  The editor reports to the Vice President of Resources. To apply for the position, please send the following material to VP for Resources, Sue Frantz at an email expressing interest, highlighting experience with editing and a CV.  Please submit your materials by June 1st.

Deadline approaching: STP is looking for a new editor for E-xcellence in Teaching

The Society for the Teaching of Psychology's PsychTeacher listserv, launched in 1998, provides a forum for psychology teachers at all levels to share ideas, seek advice, and discuss issues related to the teaching of psychology. Since the spring of 2000, the essay series E-xcellence in Teaching has been a feature of the listserv. Authors are invited to contribute essays related to various aspects of teaching psychology.  The essays are compiled into ebooks available on the STP website.


·         Recruit authors to contribute to the annual ­E-xcellence in Teaching volume.
·         Perform editing tasks related to the publication of monthly essays for E-xcellence in Teaching.
·         Work with other relevant STP individuals to publish E-xcellence essays on the PsychTeacher list and as an edited volume posted on the STP website.
·         Receive communications and participate in deliberations on the STP EC (TOPEC) electronic discussion list (ongoing).
·         Annual report to VP for Resources (May).

The terms for the current editors, Suzie Baker and Jeff Holmes, are up at the end of this calendar year.  For the last two terms, the position has been shared by two co-editors.  If you would be interested in sharing duties as a co-editor, please let me know.

The new editor would assume responsibility January 1st, 2013 to serve a 3-year term, however we would like to identify the new editor early so that person can work with the out-going editors.  The editor reports to the Vice President of Resources. To apply for the position, please send the following material to VP for Resources, Sue Frantz at an email expressing interest, highlighting experience with editing and a CV.  Please submit your materials by June 1st.

Monday, May 21, 2012

STP Social Media Initiatives

The Society for the Teaching of Psychology is proud to announce several social media initiatives to help you stay connected to the world of teaching psychology.

The Society for the Teaching of Psychology Twitter account (@APADiv2STP) will be used to publicize STP news and initiatives (those Tweets with a #STP hashtag). In doing so, information may be cross-posted from the TeachPsych listserv and STP blog. A secondary purpose will be to share useful resources and tools for teachers of psychology (those Tweets with a #TeachPsych hashtag). Also in store for the Twitterverse come June:
#ToPTuesdays and #ToPIXThursdays. A different Teaching of Psychology article will be profiled and linked on Tuesdays. On Thursdays, find out about recent ToPIX updates and particularly useful resources on the wiki. For those of you attending national and regional teaching conferences, be sure to follow the STP Twitter for live updates from the conference. If you are interested in helping, contact Jeremy Houska at

If you are on Twitter, go ahead and follow us. We'll follow you back.

Follow Society for the Teaching of Psychology on Google+ at:

Google+ is is a quick and efficient way to stay in touch with STP and
follow the latest news. All you need is a gmail account and you will be automatically signed on to Google+. You can follow on your computer or download the app for your phone.

Google+ is a rival to Facebook. As Facebook is now seem as less cool,
13% of US adults have joined Google+ and 22% have been projected in the next year ("Google+ May Pass Twitter Among U.S. Adults Online".
Bloomberg. Retrieved 29 August 2011). If you have any questions, comments or news, please contact Lesley Hathorn at

STP also maintains an active Facebook Group. Simply send a request to join on FB and one of our FB facilitators will roster you in.

Remember that you can join STP without joining APA! Simply click here:

Call for Nominees to the Online Psychology Laboratory (OPL) Advisory Panel

The APA Education Directorate is recruiting new members to serve on an Advisory Panel that will guide the Office of Precollege and Undergraduate Education in the continued development of the Online Psychology Laboratory. Under the leadership of the OPL Editor, the Advisory Panel will conduct its work through conference calls and email to evaluate use of the website, recommend new content, and suggest changes that will expand its effectiveness in teaching psychology as a science.

In addition to the OPL Editor, the OPL Advisory Panel will be comprised of the following representatives:

  • 1 member from the APA Committee of Teachers of Psychology in Secondary Schools (TOPSS)
  • 1 member from the APA Committee of Psychology Teachers at Community Colleges (PT@CC)
  • 1 member from the APA Board of Educational Affairs (BEA)
  • 3 members from the Society for the Teaching of Psychology (STP)

The 7-member Advisory Panel will serve an important role in developing the Online Psychology Laboratory, an exciting initiative that will benefit psychology departments, faculty, and students.

If you are a member of STP, have experience with the Online Psych Lab, and would like to be considered for one of the three STP positions on the advisory panel, please e-mail Sue Frantz ( your CV and a letter of interest by June 21st, 2012.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

New ToPIX Editor

STP welcomes Jeremy Houska, Concordia University, as the new editor for the Teaching of Psychology Idea eXchange (ToPIX)!  Taking over from Sue Frantz, Jeremy's 3-year term will run through 2015.

If you are interested in being an assistant ToPIX editor, please email

Monday, May 14, 2012

Incoming Program Director for STP at APA

STP is delighted to announce the new program director for the American Psychological Association annual convention. Dr. Jamie McMinn will begin organizing STP programming in 2014 and will work with current director Kris Vespia to organize the 2013 program. Dr. McMinn received his PhD from the University of Pittsburgh and currently serves as an associate professor at Westminster College. Welcome!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Statistics and Research Methods

Submit your Best Practices in Teaching Statistics and Research Methods proposal! We have GREAT keynote speakers and have already started receiving submissions for talks and posters. See Conferences on the STP website for more information~See you in Atlanta this October!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

STP is looking for a new editor for E-xcellence in Teaching

The Society for the Teaching of Psychology's PsychTeacher listserv, launched in 1998, provides a forum for psychology teachers at all levels to share ideas, seek advice, and discuss issues related to the teaching of psychology. Since the spring of 2000, the essay series E-xcellence in Teaching has been a feature of the listserv. Authors are invited to contribute essays related to various aspects of teaching psychology.  The essays are compiled into ebooks available on the STP website.


·         Recruit authors to contribute to the annual ­E-xcellence in Teaching volume.
·         Perform editing tasks related to the publication of monthly essays for E-xcellence in Teaching.
·         Work with other relevant STP individuals to publish E-xcellence essays on the PsychTeacher list and as an edited volume posted on the STP website.
·         Receive communications and participate in deliberations on the STP EC (TOPEC) electronic discussion list (ongoing).
·         Annual report to VP for Resources (May).

The terms for the current editors, Suzie Baker and Jeff Holmes, are up at the end of this calendar year.  For the last two terms, the position has been shared by two co-editors.  If you would be interested in sharing duties as a co-editor, please let me know.

The new editor would assume responsibility January 1st, 2013 to serve a 3-year term, however we would like to identify the new editor early so that person can work with the out-going editors.  The editor reports to the Vice President of Resources. To apply for the position, please send the following material to VP for Resources, Sue Frantz at an email expressing interest, highlighting experience with editing and a CV.  Please submit your materials by June 1st.